2023 Performers
Click HERE for a list of 2023 performers
2022 Performers
Acoustic Adventure, Adam Najemian, Adnan Sabir, Andy Fitzpatrick, Barry Oreck, Bears of Alaska, Bexarkana, Botsband,
Boy Meets Pearl, Brett Altman, Brooklyn Accent, Brooklyn Stoop Singers, Carl Banks, Carrie Beehan, Casey Holford, Jonathan Matthews and Laura Neese, Charlie Nieland, Chloe Hennessee, Chris Q Murphy, Chris Rael, Christine Obiamalu, Chunk McGowan, Susan Hwang and Sung Uni Lee, Clover’s Curfew, Comfort Cat, Cordelia Stephens, Curtis and the Dilettantes, Cynthia and Kevin, Debbie Rich and Ron Pecan, Don Rauf, Emily Mcnally, Final Playalong, Gabby Marantz, Gary Allard, Chris Lang, Cleo Knopf, The Ranzo Boys, Gawain and the Green Knights, Gaya Sriskanthan, Gerry Segal, Gowanus Wildcats Drill Team, Grand Central Breakdown, Gwendolyn Fitz, Hallie Spoor Band, Heather Conrad, Hecate, Henry Tenney, Hilary Hawke, J.M. Clifford, Jacob Derwin, Janet Burgan, Jason Vitelli, Jeff Jacobs, Jenny Selig and the Uke Squad, Jiggy with Viggy, Jim Knable, Jo Kroger, Johanna Wacker, Jordan Siwek, Judy Gorman, Violizzy, Fred Arcoleo, and Bob Malenky, Juliet Garrett, Kat and Country City Band, Kate Prascher, Kayka, Ken Samuelsen, Kevin December, Larry Legend, Lianne Smith, Lindsey Wilson, Steve Suffet, Thelma Thomas, Sharleen Leahey, Liz Hanley and Jefferson Hamer, Love? Said the Commander, Lucas Rotman, Madame Henni, Maggy Adeleye, Maia McCormick, Man Made Hills, Marcus Jade, Marie Mularczyk O’Connell and the Mountain Maidens, Joel Landy, Barry Oreck, and Hudson Valley Sally, Marilynn Larkin, Mario Cancel-Bigay, Mark Meyer, Matt Colbourne, May Cheung, Maynard and the Musties, Meghan Pulles, Mike McHugh and the Equality is Sexy Band, Music The Gathering, Myra and the Bulldog, Natalie Mack, Niall Connolly, Nine Pound Hammer, Open Session with Pat Mangan, Matt Stapleton, and Cillian Vallely, Pamela Jean, Pamela Jean Agaloos and Matt Diaz, Paper Anniversary, Pat Mangan, Matt Stapleton, and Cillian Vallely, Phil Gammage, Phil Robinson, Phoebe Kreutz, Preetha, Princess Pamela, Queens of Everything, Rachel Haymer, Rebecca Hart and the Wrong Band, Reid Riddiough, Rigel Mary and the Queen Pins, Risa Mickenberg, Rob Taube, Robin Rothman, Roger Manning, Ryan Foley, Sally Campbell, Joshua Garcia, Pat Lamanna, Lydia Adams Davis, Sarah Murdoch, Scott Krokoff, Sean Kershaw, Serena Jost, Mallory Feuer, and Herb Scher, Sheriff Bob, Snowy Mountain Sisters, Southwestern Sky, Su Polo, Sung Uni Lee, Swagata Biswas, Tamar Korn, Teresa Toro, The Hat Cousins, The Locksmiths, The Prophets Guild, The Vonnegut Hour, Tonie, Trip Henderson, Ukulele Jake, Val Kinzler, Vern Woodhead, Victor V Gurbo, Violizzy, Wind in the Pines, Winter Drinks
The Hudson Family Jam, The Sunny’s Bluegrass Jam, The Flatfoot Flatbush Old-time Jam with Ilan Moss, Jefferson Hamer, Megan Downes, Jaden Gladstone, Eli Hetko, and Joe Bass , Catahoula Cajun, Contradance with Brooklyn Contra
2021 Performers
Aarushi Agni, Adam Najemian, Alice and Agustin, Annie McCain Engman & DK Allen, Baby Chemist, Barry Komitor, Barry Oreck and Friends, Bev Grant, Bluegrass Collusion, Bluestone739, BKCM Wind In The Pines, Bobby Blue, Boy Meets Pearl, Butch Phelps, Calvin Rezen, Captain Bob Abrahams, Cardboard Rocketship, Carl Banks, Casey Halford, Charlie Nieland, Chris Owens, Chunk McGowan , Comfort Cat , Cole Quest and the City Pickers, Cynthia and Kevin Cahill, Curtis Becraft & Friends, Curtis and the Dilettantes, David Redbranch, Debbie Rich And Ron Pecan, Deborah Karpel, Don Rauf, Doreen D'Amico, Doug Linse, Driftwood Soldier, Elisa Winter, Shakespeare’s Sonnets, Fausto ,Fox Chasers, Gary David Allard, Gawain and the Green Knight, Gina Healy, Gina Royale, Gerry Segal, Gowanus Wildcats Drill Team, Gwendolyn Fitz, Haley May, The Haggard Kings, Hilary Hawke, Hot Grandpa, Hudson Valley Sally, Jake Sayraf, Janet Burgan, Jason Trachtenburg, Jason Vitelli, Jay Miners, Jenny Selig, Jim Andralis, Jim Flynn, Johanna Wacker, John S. Hall, Jordan Siwek, Joshua Garcia, Judy Gorman, Henry Tenney & The Highland Shatners, Joel Landy, Judy Gorman, Jules Quinn Group, Kat and Friends, Katie Naplatarski, Kate Prascher, Lafayette Matthews and Jules Peiper, Larry Legend, Less Than Three, Lindsey Wilson, Liz Lieber, The Locksmiths, Lucas Rotman, Madame Henni , Mallory Feuer/ Grasping Straws, Man Made Hills, Mandology, Marcus Jade, Mark Meyer, Matt Curran, Maynard and the Musties, Mar Salá, Mary Lee Kortes, Meadowgrass, Meghan Pulles, Mia Theodoratus, Michael Mchugh & Friends, Michele Star, Mike Clifford, Mike Glick, Mountain Maidens, Myrna and the Bulldog, Nancy and Bob Montgomery, Naomi Vernon, Natalie Mack & Alexander Heilein, Nate Sabat, New Students, New York Packet, Olivia Ellen Lloyd, Ondine PM -- PM Edition, Pamela Jean Agaloos, Pat Lamanna, Paul Decoster & Friends , Petra Jasmiina, Phil Gammage, Phil Robinson, Phoebe Kreutz, Phyllis and Phreinds, Princess Pamela, Preetha, Ray Brown, Rew Starr, Ricky Stein and the Blue Callers , Rigel Mary Sarjoo, Robert Brashaer, Robbie Wedeen, Robinlee Garber, Roger Manning, Rob Taube, Robin Greenstein and Stuart Markus, Rory D'Lasnow, Sander Randall with Todd Rogers and Clay Russell, Sally Campbell, Sarah Gargano, Scott Krokoff, Sean Kershaw, Sheriff Bob, Steve Suffet, Steven Blane, Sung Uni Lee, Susan Hwang, Su Polo, Swagata Biswas, Swan Band, T Spoon Phillips, Taylor Plas, Thelma Thomas, Teresa Toro, Tillett St James, Travis Tench, Val & The Auntie Socials, Valentina Marino, Vanessa Lovestone & Roger Blanc , Vern Woodhead , Victor V. Gurbo, Violizzy, Wind Meets West, The Winter Drinks/ Richard Alwyn, Yoko Kikuchi, Youth Moose
The Hudson Family Jam, The Sunny’s Bluegrass Jam, The Flatfoot Flatbush Old-time Jam, Sea Shanty Jam with Butch Canon and the Brigands
2020 Performers
Swagata Biswas, Bluestone 739, Robert Brashaer, Lisa and Lori Brigantino, Brooklyn Conservatory of Music Kids, Syd Caldera, Captain Bob, Cardboard Rocketship, James Carrancio, Vienna Carroll & Newman Taylor Baker, The City Pickers, Mike Clifford, Alex Coe, Ohene Corneius, Ty Defoe, Alexander Del Giudice, Rory D’Lasnow, Dukes and the Package, Megg Farrell, Fiddler and the Crossroads, Gwendolyn Fitz, Phil Gammage, Miwa Gemini, Dav German, Allie Glassman, Gowanus Wildcats, Haggard Kings, The Hat Cousins, Aviva Jaye, Jeff Jacobs, Marcus Jade, Petra Jasmiina, Kat & Friends, Sean Kershaw Trio, Val Kinzler, Jim Knable, Scott Krokoff, Alex Kuchta, Cynthia Landon & Kevin Cahill, The Locksmiths, Ashiya Lopez, Lost Dog, Chris Luquette, Natalie Mack, Madame Henni, Roger Manning, Josephine Mar, Gabriel Mayers, Maynard and the Musties, The New Students, Nick Horner Family, Monica Passin, Preetha, Rella, Cal Rezen, Nate Sabat, Sheriff Bob, Jordan Siwek, Hallie Spoor, Ricky Stein, The String Thirys, Naomi Vernon, Violizzy, Johanna Wacker and Friends, Noah Evan Wilson plus The Sunny’s Bluegrass Jam and the Flatfoot Flatbush Old-time Jam
2019 Performers
Admiral Radio, Alethea, Ali Aslam, Ali Sperry, Amanda Rose Riley, Andrew Dunn, Angelina DelCarmen Project, Anna May, Bears of Alaska, The BEasy Band, Belle Curves, Ben Kogan, Bert Lee, Bethlehem and Sad Patrick, Bob Malenky, Bluegrass Collusion, Blue Plate Special, Bluestone 739, Bobby Blue the Balladeer, Bobby Hawk, Brandon Whightsel, Braxton Hicks, Brent Funkhouser, Brooke McGowan, Bruno Bruzzese, Cait and the Critters, Cardboard Rocketship,Carl Banks, The Cheddar Boys, Chelsea Paolini, Chris Bethmann , Chris Michael, Chris Q. Murphy, Christine Sweeney, Clover's Curfew, Cole Quest and the City Pickers,Country City Band, The Crusty Gentlemen, Dani Mari, Daniel Rauchwerk, Dave & Susan Cadaqu, David Redbranch, The Deadbeat Racketeers, Debe Dalton, Deborah Karpel, Doctor Delia, Doll Magdalene, Doug Goldstein, Duke’s and the Package, Edith & the Why Nots,, The Eephus Band, Elana Brody, Eliza and the Organix, Emily McNally, Erel, Erik Frandsen, Eoin Kearns and Niall O’Leary, Eron Ackerman, Evy Mayer, E.W. Harris, Fabio Fantuzzi, Fiddler & The Crossroads, Flora Midwood, Francis Falls, Gabrielle Marlena, Girl Named T, Glaser Drive, Goodsound, Greta Keating, Gotham City Pickers, HAM Rodeo, Haunted Like Human, HECATE, I’m Not Holden Caulfield,Jammin with Jen, Jane Byaela, Jared Lucrow, Jasper Lewis, Jeff Jacobs, Jeremy Aaron, Jeremy Ain, Jesse Cohen, Jim from Kansas, Johanna Wacker and Mary Duet, Johnny Nale & Lisa Arce, Jo Kroger, Jo Malbec, Jonathan Isaac Hagen, ,Jon Luongo, Jordan Siwek, Josh Taylor, Judy Kass, Justin Kirk, Kama Linden, Karen Bella, Karen Dahlstrom, Kate Prascher, Ken Shoji, Kevin and Cynthia, Kiril Orenstein, The Kneeling Drunkards, Kyle Lacy, Lacy James, Lara Ewen, Lara Ewing, Lara Tubman, Larry Legend, Lessick & Lincoln & Cohen, Less Than Three, Laura Zarougian, Lauren Scott, Lenny Molotov, Lindsey Wilson, The Locksmiths, Lonesome Fausto and Friends, Louise Luger, Lovers League,Man Made Hills, Mandology, Mar Sala, Mara Yaffee, Marcus Jade, Mark Eliot, Mark Meyer, Mark Singer, Martin Swinger, May Cheung, The Merchantillers, The Miss Adventures, Mississippi Cotten, Michael Cobb, Michael Donovan, Michael Lydon, Mike Clifford/ Zach Williams, Mike O' Malley, Miwa Gemini, Monica Passin aka Li'l Mo, Mountain Maidens, Naeemah, Naomi Vernon, Nessa, The New Students, Niall Connolly, Nick Horner Family, Nico Padden, Noah Evan Wilson, Olivia and the Significant Others, Out of System Transfer, Pancho Villa's Skull, Paper Anniversary, Paul Tabachneck, Peadar Hickey, Petra Jasmiina, The Pens, Phil Gammage, Phyllis Elkind, Preetha & The River Rogues, Racket River Girls, Rella, Reverend TJ McGlinchey, Robert Brashear, Robin Rothman, Robin Greenstein, Roger Manning, Rory D'Lasnow, Ruby Landen, Rustkickers, Ryan Luce, Sarah, Sara Gargano, Sam Brian, Sam Dallas Trio, Sean Kiely, The Sheriff of Goodtimes, Snowy Mountain Sisters, Sophie Buskin, Sourdoe, String Thirys, Stefanie Austin, Stephen Artemis Jr., Steven Blane, Steven Walsh, Sunny's All Stars, The Tall Pines, Tara Dente, Tomoko, Jiayi and Rob, Tom Schecter, Tone, Toni and Jeffrey, Tracy Thorne, Turnpike, Val Kinzler, Violizzy and Friends, Z-Man, and Zoe Guigeno
2018 Performers
Aaron Randolph, Alethea and the Lost Cousins, Alex Kramer, Alex MacKinnon, Amanda Frey, Amelia, Jon and Stephen, Andrew Vladeck, Ange and Jeff, Anneliese McCarthy, Bartees Cox, Bears of Alaska, Ben Grace, Bert Lee, Blue Plate Special, Bluegrass Collusion, Brooklyn Conservatory of Music Bluegrass Jam, Bucky Hayes, Cait and the Critters, Cancion Franklin, Carl Banks, Caroline Cotter, Chris Q Murphy, Christine Sweeney, Cole Quest and the City Pickers, Cory J Shelly, Cowboys and Indians Band, Curtis and Carla, Cynthia and Kevin, Dan Rauchwerk, Dani Mari, Danni Christian, David Redbranch, David Roger Grossman, Debe Dalton, Dishonest Fiddlers, DK and the Joy Machine, E.W. Harris, Edith, Elana Low Jolley, Emily Frembgen, Eric Lee, Feather, Finn & His Rustkickers, Glaser Drive, Greta Keating, Hameer Zawawi, He Bird, She Bird, Heatherly, Hecate, Hilary Hawke and The Wild Goats, Hopalong Andrew, Howard Weinberg, Hudson Valley Sally, Jake Blount, James Hearne, Jeremy Aaron, Joanna Sternberg, Joel and, Emma Turoff, Joel Landy, Jon Freeman, Joshua Garcia, Judy Kass, Karen Hudson River Trio, Keepin' the Family, Kelli Bruno, Kelly Quigley, Larry Legend, Laura Zarougian and Metok, Lauren Scott, Lindsey Wilson, Lucy & Darius Kalantari, Mara Yaffee, Maria DiFabbio, Mark Meyer, May Cheung, Megg Farrell, Meghann Wright, Melody Allegra Berger, Michael Barrett Donovan, Miwa Gemini, Monica Quaintence, Naeemah, Nate Gerry, Nate Taylor, Nathan Xander, Niall Connolly, Nico Padden, Nicole and Max, Out of System Transfer, Pandafan, Paper Anniversary, Peepa Jean, Petra Jasmiina Haapmaki, Pinkie Promise, Robert Brashear, RoseAnn Fino, Sally Campbell, Sam and Tom, Sean Kiely, Stan Baum, The Eephus Band, The Habit, The Locksmiths, The Mead Mountain Resonators, The Merchantillers, The Morning Sea, The String Thirys, Tone and Trip, Two Brown Eyes, VioLizzy
2017 Performers
The 2nd Avenue Mountain Boys, Alex MacKinnon, Alice Howe, Allison Guinn, All Hands on Deck, Anneliese McCarthy, Bad Faces, Barbara Ely, Bears of Alaska, Belle-Skinner, Ben Kogan Band, Bluegrass Book Club, Bonehart Flannigan, Brian Stollery, Brotherhood, The Brooklyn Bluegrass Collective, Cait and the Critters, Calotype, Carl Banks, Christian Apuzzo, Christine Sweeney, The City Stompers, Cory Shelley, Crystal Jurado, Curtis and Carla, David Redbranch, The Ditmas Pickers, DK & the Joy Machine, DOUGMORE, Driftwood Soldier, East Kill Gypsies, Erel Pilo, Felix Slim, Fort Vine, Graham Norwood, Hecate, Hopalong Andrew, Jalopy Jr Folk School, Jason Didner and the Jungle Gym Jam, Jason Reischel, Jeremy Ain, Jon Freeman, The Hoover Dames, The Karen Hudson River Trio, Kathy Zimmer, Kelli Bruno, The Kneeling Drunkards, Krithi, Larry Legend, Lauren Scott, Leaky Lou and the Whistleblowers, The Locksmiths, Lucy Kalantari, Marialena DiFabbio, Mark Meyer, Marri Baehr, Melodic Miners, Nagano/Harmet/Shachar Freegrass Trio, Nathan Xander, Nessa, The New Students, Nick Horner Family, NYC Barn Dance, Owl and Wolf, Pam Agaloos, Paper Anniversary, The Pens, Peter Stampfel The Red Hook Irregulars, The Rustkickers, Sam Jackson, Shovel Ready String Band, Silbin Sandovar, Spuyten Duyvil, Stephen Blair and Amelia Bane, The String Thirys
2016 Performers
Actual Wolf, Andi Rae, DK & The Joy Machine, Jasper Lewis, Jesse Levy, Kneeling Drunkards, Juliette Strong, Barry Komitor & Friends, Lucy Kalentari, Jess Labus,
Craig Greenberg, Krithi, Jesse Merandy of The Breakneck Boys, Dan Saulpaugh,
Meghann Wright, Carl Banks, Owl and Wolf, Calotype, Fort Vine, Sky Diamonds, Alex McKinnon, Eric Vitoff, My Other Axe, DOUGMORE, The Tumble, 2nd Avenue Mountain Boys, Fausto Bozza,The Pens,The Crusty Gentlemen, Curtis and Carla, Spuyten Duyvil,
Frank Bell, The New Students, String Sound, Bonehardt Flannigan, Stillhouse
Widows, Moonshine Falls, Keepin' The Family, Squirrels of Connecticut & Tanbark